The Best Guide

Goa — in a trance only girls
The Indian food with impregnations ostensibly European, trance-party on an ocean coast, accessible drugs and atmosphere of general complacency and not selective goodwill — here that such Goa.
Unlike pathos Ibiza, here love and welcome the youth burdened by backpacks, instead of wallets with daddy's money.
Goa Chill Out
In the rest all is similar enough: beautiful beaches, dancing music, international fraternisation under the moon, and all it on alcoholic or still any background.
Goa trance
However, similar, yes not absolutely: music all the same much more psychodelic, than "the brushed house of Ibiza", the moon more round, large, tropical, and public is easier. And east colour has obviously an effect.
Albert Hofmann
Taste aroma and pleasure of the local tea. Be careful of snakes and monkeys. Walk to the local mega-market is the greatest flea market in the world. Accurately bypass cows, they everywhere freely walk about. Skills of driving of the scooter or a moped — will be useful. Do not buy a knickknack!
Goa souvenirs
Learn to send beggars. Also do not forget to be reserved by medicines for gastroenteric problems, they for certain will be necessary for you.
Decline Goa