Cultural heritage
In the plane, on a way on the first meeting with Tel Aviv, I have understood, that in a head the image of Israel from a news telepicture strongly sits: desert, the Arabian quarters, the Arabian teenagers armed with the mixed weapon, and valorous Israeli army, in these teenagers it is lazy shooting…Actually all, of course, not so, that is not absolutely so, and at desire all it to see you it will see. Whether but there is at you such desire?
On a small plot of land — old, nowadays very bohemian area Neve Cedek: houses of the beginning of the century adjoin to the highest in the Near East skyscrapers — the World centre of Cabbala so popular nowadays and R’n’B clubs in the street Allenbi.
Near to old quarters of ancient Arabian Jaffa the house under project Philip Starks is under construction.
In streets it is possible to meet and in an European way the dressed characters, and religious Jews in their black hats and frock coats, and also Arabs and Ethiopians who name the African Jews.
And it is final, soldiers, sometimes absolutely boys (and girls) by sight, in the form and in civil clothes, but it is indispensable at the weapon.
Sketch of week-day
Tel Aviv. 8 o'clock in the morning.
Railway station with the speaking name "Crazy". Ordinary Israeli army makes a daily way from the house to a service place. Jeans, a sweater, cap Nike, a unit of fire, impressive М16 behind the back and morning coffee to go.Not all automatic machines are equally dangerous!
For the aid to believers
New technologies on service of religious traditions: having included an electrooven in the evening on Friday (on Saturday inclusion of mechanisms at Jews is equal to work — it is actually forbidden), you have warm meal all the day long.Be protected lifts — there is a risk to be passed upwards downwards, stopping on each floor: their buttons on Saturday have the day off…
Besides, not orthodox Israelis living in Tel Aviv employed for Saturday works (to click the television panel to bring pair of burgers or to shake up a pillow for an after-dinner dream) say, that, decent grandmas receive for it.
Sellers of dust
In many countries exhausted with capitalism to get rid of stuff, it is necessary to pay for export.But the thing accurately exposed on street (far away from the house if do not wish to pay the penalty — ears are not only at walls), is not considered thrown out.
Therefore at night the city receives a new portion of "antiquarian" home appliances.
Both sheep are whole, and wolves (well or ragmen Arabs) are full.
The creative approach to window dressing and the outdoor advertising — is popular as anywhere in the east…
Proceeding from creative and financial possibilities naturally.
To a course there is all — from cars from a dump to chewing fruit candy.