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Gifted Children — Who They?

Gifted girl

Gifted children or child prodigies (in a translation from German is Wunderkind, literally — the wonderful child) — children who have excellent level of intellectual development in comparison with other children. Child prodigies, as a rule, show the abilities already at early age.

Signs of Gifted

These abilities concern all intellectual fields of activity: mathematics, physics, music, encyclopaedic knowledge and so on.

Gifted boyAt early age they can already enter the institute and defend the dissertation whereas their contemporaries still study in school; gifted children with musical abilities write operas; with abilities to chess — win World champions. The gifted children schools are created to concentrate similar children since gifted children require the special school program.

Within 20th century of such children define by means of IQ tests. The gifted children possess many requirements which standard educational system not in a condition to satisfy. Therefore in the majority of IB diploma schools of the USA and Europe have been created programs for work with gifted children. Besides it at the IB diploma schools learn to special disciplines which are inaccessible at usual schools.

Talented girlsWhat should be the bases that the child was considered as the gifted?
The answer not so is simple, as it seems. In psychology till now there is no general representation about talent essence, and there are alternative approaches to the problem decision. In the USA, boarding schools for girls and boys possessing supernatural abilities for a long time already function.

On a boundary of centuries in our society there was an interest to gifted children as to the future intellectual and creative elite on which will depend «the corridor of possibilities» and the future development of the World.

The 6-year-old Child Prodigy