Harmony of Jewelry
As to a choice of jewels, it's necessary to notice that ornaments are able to carry not all, and to choose them so that they were as much as possible harmonious. Because each jewelry has the rules of combinations.For young women: graceful ringlets, platinum chains, gold and silver rings, luxury daisy jewellery, jewels with semiprecious stones. For madam: expensive and more massive jewels with precious and semiprecious stones become the first class jewels.
Many consider that white and yellow gold are not combined among themselves. However, it's possible to name it opinion erroneous.
For certain, each girl knows what to try on simultaneously things of various colours — not always the favourable decision. Too this rule concerns any jewels.Products are badly combined with stones if colour of stones is badly combined with colour of clothes: turquoise does not need to be carried with blue or green things; rubies — with red etc.
Is better, when silver charms have contrast shade, Because this colour almost universal. Jewelry with stones also are badly combined with bright costume jewellery.
If there are difficulties in a choice it's possible to stop the choice on gold jewels without stones, and if with stones, on jewels by Lovelinks or a diamond necklace.