An impressive burial group of dead animals and carriages, which were discovered in Mikri Doxipara, Thrace, by archaeologist Diamantis in 2002 are about to have their own museum.

Visitors will attend the new museum underground, so that the findings are conserved during the exhibition. Apart from the life-sized replicas, which will be displayed in a scene reminding visitors of the way the findings looked when archaeologists discovered them, there will also be original ones in showcases.
Greek officials estimate that they need an average of two years to have the underground museum constructed, which will be a modern complex. Supervisory material will be available for visitors to have information about the cremations, the burial of the horses in ancient Greece and the technological development in regards to the carriages.
Cafes, bathroom facilities and a parking lot will also be provided.
Author: Marianna Tsatsou | Source: Greek Reporter [April 20, 2012]