'Samothrace: Mysteries of the Great Gods' at the New Acropolis Museum
A new exhibition at the New Acropolis Museum, entitled “Samothrace: Mysteries of the Great Gods”, will showcase 262 antiquities and artifacts from the island’s museum.
Frieze of the choral dancers from the Sanctuary of the Great Gods in Samothrace, c.340 BC [Credit: Marsyas/WikiCommons]The exhibition will be inaugurated on June 20 and last until September 2015 at the Acropolis Museum, Greece’s state-of-the-art facility, located beneath the south side of the Acropolis.
Remains of the Great Gods' Hieron in Samothrace [Credit: Marsyas/WikiCommons]Plan of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods in Samothrace: Legend:1–3: Hellenistic treasures; 4: ?; 5: Miletean building; 6: Néôrion; 7: Banquet hall; 8: Portico; 9: Fountain of the Nike of Samothrace; 10: Theatre; 11: Great Altar; 12: Building for displaying votive offerings; 13: Hiéron; 14: Building of the Dancer's Frieze or “temenos”; 15: Arsinoé rotunda or “Arsinoéion”; 16: Anaktoron; 17–19: ?; 20: Ptolémaion [Credit: Marsyas/WikiCommons]The exhibition is expected to showcase the leafy northeast Aegean island’s prolific ancient heritage, best known as the home of the Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike), now exhibited at the Louvre.