Usually the front-row seats are the hottest tickets at theatrical events but, gazing down the steep rake of the stone seats of the ancient theater at Pergamon, it’s obvious that this is one instance where the seats of choice would almost certainly have been those at the top, the ones that didn’t involve a frighteningly steep descent followed up an even more frighteningly steep ascent at the end of the evening.

[Credit: WikiCommons]
The theatre is perhaps the most striking section of the ruins scattered across the hillside to the northwest of modern Bergama that was once home to the Acropolis, the heart of ancient Pergamon, one of the most powerful city-states to emerge from the mayhem following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. It was during the reign of Eumenes II (197-160 B.C.), who controlled an area stretching as far east as Konya, that much of the building work on the Acropolis, including the theatre, was carried out.

[Credit: WikiCommons]
Turkey may be littered with wonderful archaeological sites, but few towns are as blessed as Bergama, which is home not just to the sprawling Acropolis but also to the completely separate site of the Asclepion, a vast ancient health retreat named after the Greek god of medicine, Asclepios, and itself dominated by the ruins of a more conventional theater to which you can walk along the remains of the Via Tecta, a marvelously evocative stretch of Roman road. The cult of Asclepios was probably brought to Asia Minor from Epidauros in Greece some time in the third century B.C., and the center here appears to have continued in use right through until the early Byzantine era. People came here to try out a variety of cures that today would be thought of as very New Age, including mud baths, dream interpretation and taking the water.

[Credit: WikiCommons]
Of course in ancient times the Asceplion was merely a suburb of Pergamon. Yet more remains of the ancient city must now lie buried beneath the modern city of Bergama where they crop up unexpectedly from time to time, as in the tea garden beside the Şadırvanlı Camii, whose porch is propped up with two columns clearly taken from an ancient building. One other prominent building survives right in the town center and this is the Kızıl Avlu (Red Basilica), a brooding hulk of a brick building that started life as a temple to the Egyptian gods Serapis, Isis and Harpocrates in the second century, and stands as a reminder of the way in which the Romans managed to accommodate the gods of a wide variety of faiths. In later years, Christians constructed a church right inside the temple and, as reminder of the way in which religious sites often maintain their significance through a myriad changes of faith, the rotunda attached to it now offers a very atmospheric home to the Kurtuluş Camii.

[Credit: WikiCommons]
That’s mainly because arrangements for visiting the two main archaeological sites have been made a great deal easier in recent years both by the arrival of a cable-car to carry guests up to the Acropolis (ugly but practical) and by the moving of the entrance to the Asclepion after the military finally grew tired of tourists wandering past their front gate. Now, if you stay in the old town, the museum, the Asclepion, the cable-car and the Kızıl Avlu will all be within walking distance.

[Credit: WikiCommons]
On the eastern side of Cumhuriyet Caddesi, the main road through town, you will find several more historic mosques, including the elegant Emir Sultan Camii. Here, too, stands a synagogue dating back to 1875 that is currently being restored. Finally, if you strike north across the Galinos River, you will find yourself in the lovely Talatpaşa district that sits immediately beneath the Acropolis. This is a district once inhabited by Greeks whose stately stone houses still survive in varying states of repair. A couple of them have now been turned into hotels and pensions, the best places to stay if you really want to soak up the atmosphere of old Bergama. If you find the Ulu Camii, constructed in 1399 for Sultan Beyazıt I (Yıldırım), and then head uphill, you will eventually find the lovely Koca Meydanı, reminiscent of a village green in England and home to the Bergama Ticaret Odası Sosyal Tesisleri (Bergama Chamber of Commerce Social Center), the most elegant restaurant in town.
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Bergama is a much more tourist-friendly town than it was just five years ago. The only complaint now might be that the sites of the lower Acropolis are overgrown and/or locked up, irritating when the admission fee is so high.
Source: Today's Zaman [July 01, 2012]