Trouble Brewing is a small Irish craft beer company with a macabre, playful sense of of humour. This spec commercial for their Deception Golden Ale celebrates the silly, irreverent tone of their branding using a slightly ridiculous, grumpy anti-hero.
"With so many young people today living at home for longer in Ireland and the UK" says director Andrew Barry "I thought a reworking of Hansel & Gretel might resonate in a light hearted way".
Creative Credits:
Starring: Eric Colvin, Lauren Cardiff, James Downie, Mandy Hegarty
Directed by: Andrew Barry
Produced by: Stephanie Espinetti, Andrew Barry
Cinematography: Eoin McLoughlin
Focus & AC: Piero Cioffi
Makeup Artist: Megan Koriat
Sound Recordist: Donato Panaccio
Assistant Director: Tom McCarthy
Gaffers: Miles Stowey, Joan Vicente Dura
Colourist: Jessica Vile
Sound Design: Martina Carluccio, Charlie Cristiani
Voice Over: Grahame Edwards
Matte Painting: Sian Rees
Compositing: Mark Millena, Andrew Barry
Paint and Roto: Zaid Petros, Annie Mitchell, Joel Hall
Production Assistant: Frances Lê
Special thanks to Framestore London, Tri Do, Simon Bourne, Philip White, Mandy Hegarty, Donal Gallery, Marian Barry and Rebecca Bourke