According to an announcement made by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports, on the occasion of the last full moon of the summer, more than 100 archaeological sites, monuments and museums throughout Greece will open their doors on August 21.
The archaeological sites of the Acropolis and Sounion will not remain open after 8:00 p.m. for safety reasons, due to works that are currently taking place. In Sounion, however, visitors will be able to admire Poseidon’s Temple from the neighboring height.
Moreover, there will also be free access to Filopappou Hill in Athens, where a concert is to be held by the Athens Municipality Philharmonic Orchestra at 9:30 p.m. Visits to the archaeological site at Amphiareio will be accompanied as well by recordings of orchestral music, and singers Vasilis Lekkas and Melina Kana will be performing at the archaeological site in Eleusina.
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Among others, a night of music with musicians Lina Nikolakopoulou and Argyro Kaparou will take place in the garden of the Numismatic Museum of Athens at 9:00 p.m..
Finally, the Minister of Culture Panos Panagiotopoulos publicly congratulated the archaeologists, museum curators and guards of the sites and museums for organizing and coordinating these events.
Author: Nicky Mariam Onti | Source: Greek Reporter [August 20, 2013]