The items had lain permanently buried beneath the Córdoba countryside over centuries. However now archaeologists have recovered them from the secret location at Torreparedones. The experts have hailed the artefacts as being the Pompeii of Spain.

The municipal archaeologist in Baena, José Antonio Morena, stated they have excavated just five per cent of the total area taken up by the community but that is the equivalent to 110 football pitches.
It was in 1833 that the riches hidden beneath the surface were first discovered. A man ploughing a field with an ox team fell in to what is now known as the mausoleum of the Pompeians.
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This mausoleum is a tomb which inside contained various items related to funerals including 12 urns with ashes. Here are also displayed the faces of the people buried there, with their names.
The explorations in recent years have uncovered the eastern gate that served as the access to the town through a wall built in the period 600 BC. However there were later alterations to the primitive wall that took place in Roman times to replace the door with one of greater dimensions flanked by two large towers.
Author: David Eade | Source: Costa News [December 05, 2012]