The Legislation of the US Against Gambling Alcoholics
One of the most pleasant aspects of visiting of a casino in Las Vegas and Atlantic City always were free alcoholic drinks. Now, when casinos are admissible in northern United States, with free alcohol is problems...
Ohio: There Is No Alcohol In a Casino!
The reasons of it partially root in public morals, partially — in the legislation. The following generation of gambling companies, having won a new territory for casinos, has faced set of features of the local laws. For example, the law of the State of Ohio forbids owners of a casino to present to clients free alcoholic cocktails. Also, the governor has signed the law forbidding 24-hour trade by alcohol in territory of a casino.
Besides, the American Association of a gaming believes, that in a casino of Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Indiana also it's necessary to forbid free alco drinks, informs USA Today. The authorities of Nevada, Mississipi, Colorado, New Jersey, Michigan, Iowa, Louisiana, South Dakota and Pennsylvania, — allow to submit free drinks for clients. However the majority of a casino this permission do not use. In that case, US casinos will be certainly in demand, after all in-home it is possible to drink alcoholic drinks in any volumes (at present it's authorised)...