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Holy Russia exhibition to open in Moscow
The Holy Russia exhibition will open in Moscow on the 26th of May during the celebration of the Days of the Russian Alphabet and Culture.

Exhibition Holy Russia at the Louvre Museum in Paris [Credit: EPA]
Last spring it was a great success in the Louvre. The display consists of 450 exhibits from 25 Russian museums, libraries and archives.

The pride of place belongs to the 12th century neckpiece of Prince Andrey Bogolubsky from the Louvre. It is insured for 60 million euro. This treasure was sold abroad as a result of Stalin sales.

Other interesting pieces are a 10th -11th century treasure-trove, an 18th century 8-metre fresco “Battle of Novgorodians with Suzdalians”, an 11th century Bible and writings on birch bark.

Source: The Voice of Russia [April 25, 2011]