The Best Guide

It's Jane...Storm!

Jane Storm

Look, it’s no secret I’m a shameless self-promoter but every now and again I like to take the time to shamelessly promote other people as well. See, I’m a giver. My colleague Jane Storm is all kinds of crafty and has started up a fantastic lil’ site called Jane Storm’s Sew Awesome Blog.

Like the young Martha Stewart Kat over at Petticoats and Peblums, Jane Storm is quite the arts and crafts gal. She’s also borderline hilarious. You can follow her exploits HERE and for those of you who think you’re not into home wares et al, wait until you see the sloth soft-toy she made. Yes, a freakin’ sloth soft-toy! It’s creeptastic. Other highlights include a penis cake, a duck suit for her cat and David Bowie necklace. Yep, she’s awesome. Also, I did sketch the logo so it’s worth a laugh.