The Best Guide [Italy]
Famous Atlas sculpture on display in Rome
Rome to tax tourists
More Stuff: Looter nabbed at Greek temple site near Crotone
More Stuff: Sicilian sites to get UNESCO World Heritage status
More Stuff: Italy displays stolen artworks recovered by police
Southern Europe: Italy and Britain wrangle over seized’ artefacts
Southern Europe: Italy threatens to sue UK firm over ancient ‘loot’
More Stuff: Shock after Pompeii relic put up for sale on eBay
Restoration works at Pompeii unveiled
Christ Fresco revives centuries old Papal scandal
Museums advised to ‘dig in’
Italy's 'abandoned' Riace Bronzes back on show in Calabria
A treasure horde of art and history under one roof
Tomb of the Scipios reopens to public in Rome
'The Dying Gaul: An Ancient Roman Masterpiece from the Capitoline Museum, Rome' at the National Gallery of Art, Washington
Riace Bronzes back home in Reggio Calabria Museum
Mercati di Traiano celebrate Constantine the Great
Ancient tunnels in Rome reopen to the public
More Stuff: 16th century Girolamini library in Naples looted
More Stuff: Colosseum restoration work begins