The Best Guide [Peru]
Peru: Work to protect Chan Chan from rains completed
Peruvian mummy prepared for French exhibition after excavation in 2012
Walk the ruins of Machu Picchu on Google Street View
Exploring the Ancient Cities of Northern Peru
One million tourists to visit Machu Picchu this year
Archaeological star emerges from obscurity
Peru to open Uyo Uyo archaeological site to tourists
Machu Picchu awarded leading green destination in South America
Machu Picchu train halted over water protests
Lima: The oldest city in the Americas?
National Gallery to host Australia's first Peruvian art exhibition
Cusco's Inca Museum: More than just one empire
Peru's History Museum opens an exhibit about rainforest cultures
Temporary exhibition of Machu Picchu pieces opened in Cusco’s Casa Concha
Lambayeque museums expect over 20,000 tourists during national holidays
35,000 tourists to visit Peru’s Kuelap fortress in 2011
Peru: A History Lost In The Ruins
Pre-Hispanic dog fossils displayed at Pachacamac site museum
Peru to improve Otuzco archaeological site for tourism
Five more Inca trails to open at Machu Picchu