The Best Guide [France]
The art on the cave walls at Chauvet continues to thrill
More Stuff: Archaeological treasures 'stolen' in France
More Stuff: Nike of Samothrace campaign hits 1 million
Human Zoos: Exhibition recounts stories of 'savages' put on show at circuses and theatres
The Human Evolution World Tour
'Greece of Origins: Between Dream and Archaeology' at the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale
Peruvian mummy prepared for French exhibition after excavation in 2012
Greek antiquities travel to Marseille
Louvre pays tribute to the 18th century with a special series of four exhibitions
Fragment of manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci unearthed in French town library
Meet the ancestors: Exhibition at Bordeaux gallery reveals faces of prehistoric humans
The Lapita: Oceanic Ancestors exhibition at the Quai Branly Museum in Paris
'Rhodes: A Greek Island and Gateway to the East' at the Louvre
North America: Native American masks sold in Paris to be returned to tribes
More Stuff: France returns stolen antiques to Egypt
Sunken Egyptian treasure gets European tour
Meet the Gauls - minus the dolmens
'Senusret III, a Legendary Pharaoh' at the Palais des Beaux-arts
Peranakan culture in Paris
The Kama Sutra: Spirituality and erotism in Indian art