The Best Guide [Western Europe]
UK: Metal detectors labelled as 'criminal damage night-hawks'
More Stuff: Archaeological treasures 'stolen' in France
UK: Egyptian artefacts stolen from Leicester museum
UK: Treasure hunters in Britain uncovered more than 73,000 artefacts in 2013
Underwater Archaeology: UK maritime site battered by storms
UK: Land by Neolithic site churned up by vehicles
More Stuff: Nike of Samothrace campaign hits 1 million
National Trust plans trail for Iron Age hill fort find
Replica of prehistoric Chauvet cave opens
More Stuff: German collector Cornelius Gurlitt to return Nazi-looted art
Underwater Archaeology: Maritime Archaeology Trust gets £1m to research WWI wrecks
UK: Developers destroy 2,000-year-old Roman wall
UK: Hadrian’s Wall Trust to close within six months as funding evaporates
UK: 4,000 year old mummy saved from 'crystal death'
Underwater Archaeology: UK urged to sign treaty to protect underwater heritage
More Stuff: German treasure hunter finds Roman gold hoard
Michelob ULTRA 2016 Super Bowl Commercial "Breathe"
'Queens of the Nile' at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Netherlands
Major pieces from Private Collections of American Indian Art offered at Sotheby's
Rediscovering Cyprus’ ancient heritage
Healthy Snack: Roasted Cherry Tomatoes