The Best Guide [European Ads]
Baldini & Castoldi: Stories
Mini Babybel "Riddle" Print Ads via Y&R Paris
The Swedish ad industry put their best and brightest in a room to redefine the creative brief – this is what they found out
Lacoste: Support With Style x France Olympique 2016
Leroy Merlin "Roots" via Publicis
Blue Monkeys Production Studio - "Happy Bulls#!t"
Actors - Paramount Channel via Grey Argentina
La Gazzetta dello Sport Newspaper: The Final Judgment via Integer Milan
Porsche Marriage Spot via Achtung! Netherlands
Milka-Teder, Parking inspectors got what they deserve!
I, aids: A campaign by WNP for Aides
Neleman: Temperamental Spanish Wine "He's Done" & "It's Over"
Playlists For Life by Doctors Without Borders via Y&R Prague
IKEA + HAY - a teaser for the collaboration via Nikextension
David Lynch Foundation "Trauma" Campaign
HEREZIE launches the first campaign for Dylon Dyes in Germany with "Dylon Dogs"
Volksparking: Giving the City Back to Its Inhabitants via DDB Brussels for Volkswagen
E ON and Swedish Swimming Federation Launched Campaign that uses virtual reality to encourage Children into the Water
Nescafe Italia: "The Next Door Hello" Experiment via Publicis Italy
Poopy Cat Dolls: Do you want my purr purr?